Formerly “Iowa State Normal School”, “Iowa State Teachers College”, and “State College of Iowa”
official hood lining pattern
old gold
Students at Iowa State Normal School selected purple and old gold as their college colors in 1905. The college yearbook was called the Old Gold, and vintage Iowa State Normal School memorabilia is purple and old gold.
A photograph of a bachelor's hood lined with two chevrons from a 1939 E.R. Moore catalogue by Helen Walters entitled The Story of Caps and Gowns.
A 1906 postcard in the "College Pennant Series" by the W.E. Ewart company. The "old gold" color school color is clearly shown here.
The chevron was by far the most common heraldic division the Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume (IBAC) employed to divide the two or three colors in an institution’s hood, but beginning in 1895 the “double chevron” was also used quite frequently. The typical width of a normal chevron was between three and four inches, but the double chevron pattern used two chevrons of about 1½ inches in width placed approximately two inches apart so that the color of the hood lining showed between them.
Iowa State Teachers College was cited in IBAC lists from 1927, 1948, and 1972 as having a hood lined gold with two purple chevrons. The college must have sent the Bureau a sample of its old gold color that was closer to a bright gold, which would explain the IBAC’s slightly inaccurate assignment of the college’s hood lining colors. Here the correct colors of old gold and purple have been used.