University of Findlay

Citations in the World Almanac (listed by cover date; color information is from the previous year): (1934-1935)
Academic hood lists published by the Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume (IBAC) in 1927 and 1948, described both Findlay College and Milligan College as having a hood lined black with an orange chevron. The IBAC had probably assigned Milligan this pattern first (c.1908-1911) and had erroneously assigned Findlay a duplicate pattern later.
By 1972 Findlay was cited in an IBAC list as using a hood lined orange with a black chevron. This was unfortunately identical to the hood lining that had been used by Princeton University since 1895, so Findlay soon reverted to a black with orange chevron hood lining, again duplicating the hood lining Milligan College had been assigned by the IBAC and was using. But due to a manufacturer’s error in the 1980s, Milligan also began using a (faux Princeton) hood lined orange with a black chevron instead of its correct IBAC assignment.
To sort out these problems, in 2017 the president of Milligan College approved a new hood lining design for the college that was black with two orange chevrons, which meant Findlay could continue to use a hood lined black with an orange chevron without duplicating the hood lining of any other college or university.

Students chose the black and orange colors of Findlay College in 1892 when the school’s first football team began playing intercollegiate sports.