Rollins College



rollins seal
official hood lining pattern
A card with the Rollins College 1939 football schedule on the reverse.

To avoid assigning duplicate hood linings to colleges and universities that used the same school colors, the Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume (IBAC) used different types of heraldic patterns to divide the two or more colors in an academic hood. In IBAC lists from 1927 and 1948, a number of hood lining patterns were described as “[color] above [color]” or “[color] over [color]”, which referred either to hood lining colors divided per chevron, per reversed chevron, or per bar. Unfortunately, today it is not usually known which of these three patterns the Bureau intended to describe.

The IBAC assigned Rollins College a hood lining of this type no later than 1927, according to an IBAC list from that period which described the hood lining as “Yale blue” (dark blue) above gold. But in 1948 the Bureau said the hood lining was “blue and gold”, which was usually how the Bureau described colors divided vertically per pale. In 1972 an IBAC list returned to the original “Yale blue” above gold description. The IBAC did not define how the Yale blue and gold were divided in any of these lists, but in Academic Heraldry in America (1962) Kevin Sheard said that the Yale blue and gold were divided per chevron. Here this heraldic pattern has been retained, but in the correct colors of Rollins College: royal blue and gold.

royal blue

Students at Rollins College were unhappy with the oleander pink (“rose”) that had been chosen as the college color when Rollins opened in 1885, so in the middle of the 1890s an art professor proposed the adoption of new school colors of royal blue and gold. “Royal blue” described a dark blue shade with a purple tint, and according to Henry L. Snyder in Our College Colors (1949), the professor suggested that it symbolized “kingship, power, and the wisest and deepest in character and aims”. Gold symbolized “unchanging value and real substantial worth.” The students agreed that these were ideals their college should embrace, so royal blue and gold became the new official colors of Rollins College.

Citations in the World Almanac (listed by cover date; color information is from the previous year): rose (1895); royal blue/gold (1896-1897); royal blue/old gold (1900-1902); blue/gold (1914-1935)

A photograph of a master's hood lined with two colors divided per chevron from a 1939 E.R. Moore catalogue by Helen Walters entitled The Story of Caps and Gowns.
A photograph of a master's hood lined with two colors divided per chevron from a 1939 E.R. Moore catalogue by Helen Walters entitled The Story of Caps and Gowns.