Park College students selected canary and wine as their school colors around 1880, and the official song of the college, “Canary and the Wine”, was written in 1884. “Canary” is a golden yellow hue and “wine” is a dark red. Today the colors are sometimes described as being similar to gold and burgundy.
An illustration of a master's hood in this pattern from a 1932 catalogue by the E.R. Moore Company.
Citations in the World Almanac (listed by cover date; color information is from the previous year): wine/canary (1896-1902); canary/wine (1914-1935)
Based upon fabric samples Park College sent to the Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume (IBAC) at some point before 1927, the Bureau assigned the college a “garnet” hood lining with a canary yellow chevron. By 1948 the IBAC had revised their description of Park’s chevron to (plain) “yellow”, but a 1969 IBAC list used the official college color descriptions of “wine” and “canary” to describe the college’s hood lining and chevron. This information was probably transcribed from an identical citation in Kevin Sheard’s Academic Heraldry in America (1962). A 1972 Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume list reverted to garnet with a yellow chevron.