Minneapolis College of Art and Design



mcad seal
minneapolis art
official hood lining pattern
pale blue
terra cotta

Detailed historical information about the pale blue, terra cotta, and white colors of the Minneapolis College of Art and Design is not available at this time.

The Minneapolis College of Art and Design apparently designed its own academic hood lining in the 1960s without the help of the Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume (IBAC). In Academic Dress and Insignia of the World (1970), Kevin Sheard described the college’s hood lining as pale blue with two white chevrons, with a terra cotta color beneath the lower chevron. Information in a 1972 list from the Intercollegiate Bureau appears to have been borrowed from Sheard, but incompletely and inaccurately described the pattern as blue above orange, with two white chevrons. The Bureau did not state where the blue and orange colors were to be divided.