Maryville College students adopted garnet and orange as their school colors around 1890.
Citations in the World Almanac (listed by cover date; color information is from the previous year): garnet/orange (1896-1900); orange/garnet (1902-1935)
A Maryville College scrapbook covering the years 1925-1928.
Academic hood lists published by the Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume (IBAC) in 1927 and 1948 described Maryville College’s hood lining as orange with a garnet chevron. Whether this was a hood lining pattern that had been officially assigned by the IBAC or merely a record of the college’s school colors applied to a generic hood lining arrangement is unknown, but either way it was a unique pattern not used by any other college or university at the time. Information in the World Almanac suggests that the IBAC assigned this color arrangement in 1900 or 1901. The IBAC may have interchanged Maryville’s hood lining colors in the late 1940s or 1950s because a list compiled by Kevin Sheard in Academic Heraldry in America (1962) described the college’s hood lining as garnet with an orange chevron – a description repeated in a 1972 IBAC list. Here the original IBAC lining assignment from the early 1900s has been retained.