Historical information about the burgundy and blue school colors of Fairleigh Dickinson University is not available at this time, but the college colors may have originally been maroon and white.
A c.1942-1958 Fairleigh Dickinson College pennant. The dominant colors are burgundy (or maroon?) and white, with blue details only on the mounted knight.
The hood lining pattern of Fairleigh Dickinson University did not appear in a 1948 Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume (IBAC) list, but in Academic Heraldry in America (1962), Kevin Sheard described the university’s hood lining as maroon with a white chevron, which was also how it was also described in IBAC lists from 1969 and 1972. Since both are dark brownish-reds, one may understand the IBAC’s substitution of maroon for Fairleigh Dickinson’s official burgundy, but the substitution of white for the university’s official blue is strange. Here the correct colors of the university have been restored, and they have been arranged using a heraldic bar (what the Bureau called a “zone”) to echo the heraldry of Fairleigh Dickinson’s university shield.