Detailed historical information about the school colors of Centenary College is not available at this time. Apparently the original colors of the college were blue and black. Today Centenary University uses blue and gray, but it is not known when these new colors were adopted.
The Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume (IBAC) must have assigned Centenary College of New Jersey a hood lining in the mid to late 1960s, because it does not appear in any hood lining list until 1970. In Kevin Sheard’s Academic Dress and Insignia of the World (1970) and in a 1972 IBAC hood lining list Centenary is cited as having a hood lined Yale blue with a black chevron. “Yale blue” was one of the ways the IBAC described a dark shade of blue like navy blue, but in this case it referred to a medium shade of “true blue”.
A 1902 painting from Cotrell & Leonard of a doctoral hood lined with a single chevron.