Students at Briar Cliff College selected gold and royal blue as their school colors in 1932, not long after the university was founded.
Briar Cliff College did not appear in early Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume (IBAC) lists from 1927 or 1948, so the IBAC might not have assigned the college a hood lining until the late 1940s or 1950s. A list compiled by Kevin Sheard in Academic Heraldry in America (1962) described Briar Cliff’s hood lining as old gold with two royal blue chevrons. This citation is slightly erroneous – Briar Cliff’s color was gold, not old gold. An IBAC list from 1972 more accurately stated that the college’s hood lining was gold with two royal blue chevrons. Unfortunately, this was a duplication of the hood lining the Bureau had already assigned Rockefeller University, so here Briar Cliff’s two chevrons have been inverted.
A photograph from an 1895 Cotrell & Leonard catalogue of a bachelor's hood. The photograph has been altered to illustrate a hood lined with two reversed chevrons.