Bethany College

West Virginia


bethany wva seal
bethany college wva
official hood lining pattern
A c.1909-1911 tobacco card by Murad Cigarettes.

Citations in the World Almanac (listed by cover date; color information is from the previous year): green/white (1895); white/green (1912-1931); green/white (1934-1935)

A list of college colors from the Intercollegiate Commission on Academic Costume published in the 1 December 1895 issue of the Living Church Quarterly included a citation for Bethany College as having colors of green and white. The Commission may have obtained this information about Bethany’s colors from the 1894 World Almanac, but not long afterwards the Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume (IBAC) no doubt requested fabric samples from the college so that a unique hood lining pattern might be assigned to Bethany.

Academic hood lists published by the IBAC in 1927, 1948, and 1972 described Bethany College as having a hood lined “pea green” with a white chevron, which is consistent with the saturated light shade of the college’s green. A list compiled by Kevin Sheard in Academic Heraldry in America (1962) described the college’s hood lining plainly and simply as “green” with a white chevron.

Here the original IBAC lining design has been retained.


Detailed information about the green and white school colors of Bethany College is not available at this time, but vintage memorabilia from the college demonstrate that the shade of green originally used at the college was a vibrant light green shade.

An illustration of a bachelor's hood lining with this type of heraldic pattern from a 1932 catalogue by the E.R. Moore Company.