Misericordia University



Formerly “College Misericordia”

Misericordia seal
official hood lining pattern
A diagram from Academic Heraldry in America (1962) by Kevin Sheard that has been modified to illustrate a hood lined with three colors separated by a reversed chevron.
A diagram from Academic Heraldry in America (1962) by Kevin Sheard that has been modified to illustrate a hood lined with three colors separated by a reversed chevron.
navy blue
meteor blue

The school colors of navy blue, meteor blue, and gold were chosen by the first president and dean of College Misericordia in 1924. “Meteor blue” is a vibrant light blue or pale azure blue.

Citations in the World Almanac (listed by cover date; color information is from the previous year): navy blue/meteor blue/gold (1934-1935)

The Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume (IBAC) probably assigned a three-color hood lining pattern to College Misericordia in the late 1950s. A 1972 list from the Bureau described it as navy blue above light blue, divided by a reversed (or “inverted”) gold chevron. The IBAC may have inverted Misericordia’s chevron to avoid confusion with a very similar hood lining design the Bureau had assigned to Southeastern Oklahoma State University.