Blue Mountain College

The faculty of Blue Mountain College chose red, blue, and gold as the college’s colors in 1889 to symbolize their desire to develop the whole being of their students: the physical (red), the intellectual (blue) and the spiritual (gold). The shade of blue was dark, like a navy blue.

Citations in the World Almanac (listed by cover date; color information is from the previous year): dark blue/red and gold and yellow (1923-); red/blue/gold (1934-1935)
The Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume (IBAC) assigned a three-color hood lining to Blue Mountain College in the 1950s or 1960s. A 1972 IBAC list stated that it was red above blue with a gold chevron between them.
But in Academic Heraldry in America (1962) and Academic Dress and Insignia of the World (1970), Kevin Sheard said that the college was using a two-color hood lining: blue with a gold chevron. It is not known whether this was an erroneous description of the lining or the college had modified its hood lining without telling the Intercollegiate Bureau, but to avoid confusion with the hood lining the Bureau had earlier assigned to Simmons College, here Blue Mountain’s original three-color lining pattern has been retained.