William Smith College

New York


william smith
official hood lining pattern

William Smith College and Hobart College are affiliated, collectively known as “The Colleges of the Seneca”. The color of William Smith College is green, in a dark green shade sometimes called “pine” or “evergreen”. The colors of Hobart College are orange and royal purple.

Citations in the World Almanac (listed by cover date; color information is from the previous year): green (1917-1931); pine green (1934-1935).

According to a 1927 list by the Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume (IBAC), William Smith College used a hood lined dark green, and to show its affiliation with Hobart College, an orange and royal purple cord was sewn to the hood lining one inch from the velvet edging. The strands of two colors were probably twisted into one cord, but this is not certain as a vintage William Smith hood has not yet been located.