Jewish Theological Seminary of America
New York

Information about the light blue and white school colors of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America are not available at this time.
In Athena: A Year-Book of the Learned World (1920), the Jewish Theological Seminary was said to be using hoods that were lined with the colors light blue and white, but the heraldic division of those colors was not described. The seminary first appeared in an Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume (IBAC) list from 1948, having been assigned a hood lined Yale blue with a white chevron. The IBAC used “Yale blue” as a synonym for a dark blue shade, which was much darker than the light blue shade cited in the Athena. A 1969 IBAC list corrected this and described the seminary’s hood as light blue with a white chevron. Unfortunately both of these assignments duplicated or resembled hoods the IBAC had earlier registered to Middlebury College (Yale blue with a white chevron), Millikin University (Presbyterian blue with a white chevron), and Columbia University (light blue with a white chevron). To avoid this problem, here the Jewish Theological Seminary has been reassigned a hood lining that resembles a tallit: a white lining with two bars in the traditional seminary color of light blue.