Detailed historical information about the school colors of Hartford Seminary is not available at this time. The Athena (1920) described the seminary’s color as old gold, but beginning in 1923 the World Almanac said that the colors were gold and blue. Hartford used an azure shade of blue (bright blue).
Citations in the World Almanac (listed by cover date; color information is from the previous year): gold/blue (1923-1935)
Academic costume was used at Hartford Seminary no later than 1904, as it was worn by administrators and guests at the inauguration of President Mackenzie that year. In Athena: A Year-Book of the Learned World (1920), the seminary was said to be using hoods that “are lined with the colours [sic] of the Foundation, old gold.”
To avoid this problem, here Hartford has been reassigned a hood that is lined with the seminary’s traditional color of old gold with a chevron added in the later school color of azure blue.
A photograph from a c.1905 Cotrell & Leonard catalogue of a doctoral hood with a lining that used a heraldic pattern of this type.