Allegheny College

An academic hood lining assignment for Allegheny College first appeared in a c.1912 list in the 1923 edition of Frank Haycraft’s The Degrees and Hoods of the World’s Universities and Colleges, where the college was cited as having a navy blue hood lining and an old gold chevron. This hood list was compiled using hood lining information from the Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume (IBAC) and college color information from the 1909 or 1910 World Almanac. Because information for Allegheny was not listed in those editions of the World Almanac, the hood lining description for the college in Degrees and Hoods of the World’s Universities and Colleges must be from the Intercollegiate Bureau.
An identical hood description was cited in a 1918 IBAC list and without change in every list from the Intercollegiate Bureau of Academic Costume thereafter.

Students at Allegheny College selected navy blue and old gold as their school colors at some point before 1889, which is when these colors were mentioned in the first edition of the college yearbook.
Citations in the World Almanac (listed by cover date; color information is from the previous year): cadet blue/old gold (1895); navy blue/old gold (1896-1904); blue/gold (1914-1915); navy blue/gold (1916); blue/gold (1917-1918); navy blue/old gold (1923-1935)